Good Friday
Good Friday - The Seven Last Words of Jesus from the Cross - St. John’s-Grace
Good Friday Ecumenical Service
The Seven Last Words of Jesus from the Cross
Friday, April 10, 2020 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
During the COVID-19 Epidemic lock-down, St. John’s-Grace Episcopal Church hosted Online the Good Friday Ecumenical Service of the West Side Churches of Buffalo, NY.
“We are so grateful for all of the homilists and musicians who assured us that God is with us in these difficult times! Praise God that we were able to celebrate this Holy Day together online.” Rev’d Jon F. Lavelle, Rector, St. John’s-Grace Episcopal Church.
Sermons and music from the service.
Sr. Patricia Brady’s message on Luke 23:32-38 - Father, forgive them…
St. John’s-Grace Choir sings - Alas! and did my Savior bleed
Rev. Dr. Kenneth Hughes’ message on Luke 23:39-43 - Today you will be with me…
Rev. Rosaleen Nogle’s message on John 19:23-27 - Woman, here is your son…
Theresa Quinn Sings - Beneath the Cross She Watches
Rev. Micah Nutter-Dowling’s message on Mark 15:25-35 - My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.
Rev. Nancy Rosas’ message on John 19:28-29 - I thirst
Rev. Dr. Scott Johnson’s message on John 19@30 - It is finished.
Rev. Dr. Bruce McKay’s message on Luke 23:44-49 - Into your hands I commend my spirit.
Sharing their faith from the Holy Scriptures:
Sr. Patricia Brady, SSMN, St Mary’s Center
Rev. Dr. Ken Hughes, First Presbyterian Church of Buffalo
Rev. Dr. Scott Johnson, First Methodist Church of Buffalo
Fr. Jon F. Lavelle, St. John’s-Grace Episcopal Church
Rev. Dr. Bruce M. McKay, Retired, UCC Pilgrim St. Luke’s
Rev. Rosaleen Nogle, St, Mark’s and All Saints Episcopal church
Rev. Micah Nutter-Dowling, Lafayette & Westminster Presbyterian
Rev. Nancy Rosas, UCC Pilgrim St. Luke’s
St. John’s-Grace Choir, Mr. Brian Hilton, Director of Music
Theresa Quinn - Mezzo Soprano, Lafayette Presbyterian
St. John’s-Grace Episcopal Church, 51 Colonial Circle, Buffalo, NY 14222