Good News During the Epidemic

Dear Friends,

As we are nearing the end of month two of the Covid-19 lock-down, we continue to put our trust in God during this Wilderness Experience.  As a close-knit community of faith, I am confident that the Holy Spirit is guiding us here at St. John's-Grace and the Diocese.  We are working together to continue to worship God and serve our neighbors in wisdom and safety.  We must all continue to pray and discern to ask God and one another how we can continue to be church in unknown and rapidly changing circumstances.

Thinking back to my initial sermons and pastoral letter, I recall discussing how we can practice our Lenten Spiritual Tradition of Charity by staying home and maintaining physical distance. “Be charitable! Stay home!”   As far as we know, no one from St. John's-Grace or any of our guest groups has become ill with the virus.  Praise God!  This is truly Good News! I am very grateful for the ongoing leadership and guidance from our Bishop, Sean Rowe, in suspending in-person worship and meetings.

Our online worship and social hour on Sundays at 10:30 has been going well and average Sunday online attendance is about 50.  We have also added a 7:00pm Wednesday Evening Prayer which includes a Gospel Reflection from an SJG member and special prayers from the Healing Team.   For information on online worship:

Many members have sent in pledges by mail and I encourage everyone to continue doing so.  The people of St. John’s-Grace have maintained fellowship by joining the online social time, phone calls, participating in Circles of Care, and social media.  As for me personally, it has been an opportunity to get to know people better through our talks on the phone. 

Easter Sunday Online Worship was a joy and we had friends and family join the service from all over the country and even Canada, Spain, and The United Arab Emirates!  Our Good Friday Ecumenical Service was a highlight of Holy Week with seven of our West Side neighborhood churches joining us.  You can watch videos of Good Friday sermons and music online:

There is plenty of Good News to share from St. John's-Grace:

  • The Healing Ministry Team continues to meet online using our ZOOM meeting.  The Team is praying for everyone!   Please send prayer requests to

  • The Monday Bible Study and Book Club will resume meeting by ZOOM.  Look for announcements!

  • St. John’s-Grace members have sewn hundreds of masks for Friends of Night People, the elderly in public housing, Roswell Park, and Habitat for Humanity.  Folks have helped out with orders and distribution.  Your generous donations to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund have helped to purchase materials for the masks.

  • St. John’s-Grace is now assisting the St. Philip’s Food Pantry by providing lots of freezer space and delivery of food. 

  • Folks have been sending checks in lieu of noisy collection and our contribution to Friends of Night People to support the homeless of Buffalo has increased substantially! 

  • The Buildings and Grounds committee continues to work with Copper and Slate to put a new roof on the Sanctuary above the Chapel on the Bidwell side of the church this summer.

  • Our beautiful St. John’s-Grace garden is in full bloom. Drive or stroll by the church and have a look!  Neighbors including humans, and dogs have been enjoying the grounds and our church court-yard which makes us all very happy indeed.

  • Church Vestry continues to meet online and we are developing strategies to continue all of the operations and ministries of the church with wisdom and safety.


Finally, this Sunday, May 10th is Mother's Day and we will celebrate a special Mothering Sunday Liturgy of the Word from the Church of England.  A very warm welcome to "Mother Meredith", the Rev'd Canon Meredith Hunt who is our guest preacher joining us by ZOOM from Michigan. 

We praise God for the motherly care shown to us by the Triune God!  We also pray in thanksgiving for our mothers, grandmothers, and all who have shown us God's care in our lives.  We remember that we are all called to be "Mothering" caretakers of one another, all of God's people, and all of creation.  Happy Mother's Day!

Every Blessing,

The Rev’d Jon F. Lavelle, Rector



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