Our new Priest-in Charge has arrived...
Greetings to my siblings in Christ at St. John’s Grace!
I am very pleased and excited to be coming to St. John’s Grace to serve alongside you as Priest-in-Charge. I am a native Western New Yorker, and have served in six congregations in three counties and five deaneries; I love the people of our diocese and am eager to share my ministry gifts with you. I serve on Diocesan Council, have been a facilitator for Safe Church Trainings, and am a board member of Father Isaac’s Fund for Medical Missions in Africa. In my free time I enjoy painting, singing, and crafts; and am completing the requirements for a Doctor of Ministry degree.
I begin my ministry with you immediately, and look forward to our time together praying and discerning what’s next for our congregation and its community. I will be keeping you all in my prayers, and hope that I will be in yours as well!
Claudia Scheda+
716-261-8368 claudiascheda@gmail.com
(your messages to my email and phone are secured by password. I can receive phone messages as well as texts.)